The Ancient Art and New Science of Changing Minds

Photo Courtesy: Ramon Salinero / Unsplash

From physics to psychology to phytology, scientific discipline tries to explain every role of reality. While loftier schoolhouse science classes may not have been your loving cup of tea, that doesn't hateful science itself is dull — far from it. Here are some incredible facts that evidence just how amazing the subject field area truly is.

Octopus Intelligence

You might not wait a animal with no backbone and a lifespan of only a few years or fifty-fifty months to exist very smart, but you'd be incorrect. Octopuses utilize tools in the wild and captivity, recognize themselves in mirrors, perform daring escapes from aquarium tanks and even demonstrate unique personalities.

Photograph Courtesy: Serena Repice Lentini / Unsplash

In ane experiment, three octopuses were faced with a system of levers they could utilise to obtain food. Ii of them did this. The tertiary, however, destroyed the lever organisation and squirted ink at the experimenter. It seems every bit though that one wasn't happy to exist part of the experiment.

Ghost Planets Are a Thing

The whole "is Pluto a planet" argue is naught compared to speculation that there may be an unknown planet in the solar system — and information technology's believed to be nigh 10 times the size of Earth. The ghost planet, dubbed Planet Nine, has been the object of a search since 2016.

Photo Courtesy: David Menidrey / Unsplash

The existence of Planet Ix was theorized when astronomers noticed a footling rock orbiting the lord's day differently than the residuum of the planets in the solar organisation. Their conclusion was that a much larger object had to be responsible for its pull.

Lizard Claret as a Malaria Cure

Blood doesn't seem like an obvious cure for disease, merely when it comes to certain types of blood, information technology may exist just that. The prasinohaema, a cadger establish in New Guinea, has blood with a very high concentration of green bile paint, more any other creature, and scientists remember it could take medical uses.

Photo Courtesy: Zdenek Machacek / Unsplash

That's because the pigment is a serious antioxidant. Farther studies propose that it could even help humans cure malaria, equally the paint in their blood is highly toxic to malaria parasites.

Ants Have Congenital-in Compasses

Ants are impressive for many reasons, including their super strength, ability to communicate with pheromones and impressive building abilities. However, nothing compares to how some of them use the very planet itself to survive and thrive.

Photograph Courtesy: MD Jerry / Unsplash

Desert ants are able to sense the natural magnetic field created by the Earth and use it as a sort of compass to help them navigate in a higher place ground. This can be particularly useful when they're far from the colony while scavenging for food.

Giant Sloths Existed

Sloths spend much of their lives relaxing, sleeping or eating, and almost all while hanging around in trees. They're lazy and adorable. However, a few thousand years ago, there was a sloth relative in the Americas with a very different approach to life.

Photo Courtesy: Javier Mazzeo / Unsplash

Fossil prove suggests that the extinct Pleistocene ground sloth was a huge brute. Unlike today'due south sloths, it stayed on the ground while eating leaves from trees. However, their posture was like to today's sloths, meaning they were fairly slow. Combined with a lack of fear for early humans, they shortly proved to make easy meals for Stone Age hunters.

Plants Are a Chatty Bunch

Plants may seem like they live alone, isolated lives with no way to communicate with others of their kind. Even so, that couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, plants speak to each other all the time.

Photo Courtesy: Zach Reiner / Unsplash

Okay, so they don't speak English, simply they tin release chemicals through both their roots and the air to send a message to other plants in their vicinity. These letters are designed to permit them know about threats in the area such as insects or diseases.

Another Blood Cure

It's not just lizard blood that could harbor a cure to many of the ailments and diseases that plague humanity. Other animals on the planet can actually create and produce certain antibodies that humans tin't, which leads to their blood being pretty valuable in the medical sense.

Photo Courtesy: David Clode / Unsplash

Sharks and camels specifically have antibodies that are smaller than humans' and thus are able to menstruation through the body more easily. Research on them could lead to a new lease on life for cancer patients: and then-called nanobodies have the ability to label certain cancers for before detection.

Caput Transplants Aren't Just Sci-Fi

When you think of a head transplant, y'all might automatically pic a deranged evil scientist laughing over a patient on a steel slab with electricity going haywire all around them, just they may exist possible in the almost time to come.

Photograph Courtesy: The Brain The Wouldn't Die / IMDB

Two Chinese surgeons accept started to create a mode to take a perfectly working human head and transfer it to some other body that suffers from spinal string injuries or paralysis. The most interesting function is that they've actually been able to practise it successfully on mice, rats and pocket-size dogs.

Dinner Time Used to Be Really Different

Modern dinner tables are by and large full of typical staples such as steak, chicken, veggies. While insects may also exist on the carte in some countries, for many people, eating bugs is admittedly off-limits.

Photo Courtesy: Tang Chhin Sothy / Getty Images

It wasn't e'er that style, though. A genetic study performed on a range of mammals found that humans have many of the genomes necessary to brand insects readily digestible, which suggests that our ancestors may take been digging into grubs as much as Timone and Pumbaa were in The Lion King.

Different Blood Types Have a Huge Impact

There are four chief blood types — A, B, AB and O — and every person on the planet fits into one of them. Your blazon is adamant past proteins on your reddish blood cells called antigens, and each type is further divided into positive and negative variations based on whether your blood has Rhesus antigens.

Photograph Courtesy: Qimono/Pixabay

While blood type is important to know if you ever get a blood transfusion, it also determines how susceptible you are to certain illnesses. People with Type O blood, for case, are more than prone to skin cancer but less likely to go center affliction and dementia

Life Might Exist in the Solar System Outside Earth

A lot of people think that the only planet in the solar organization that can harbor life is Earth. However, in that location are other places in our corner of the catholic forest that might have the ingredients necessary to sustain life, if only in microscopic grade.

Photo Courtesy: Stephan Henning / Unsplash

Mars receives the most media attention as a potential cradle of life in the solar system considering of its clandestine water and formerly rich atmosphere, but information technology'southward non the only candidate. Jupiter's moon Europa and Saturn's moons Titan and Enceladus too may exist in the running. And while Venus'southward surface is too hot for life, microscopic life may be some thirty miles up into the planet's atmosphere.

Memories Aren't Always Real

Are your memories actually your ain? That depends, really. A team of scientists managed to transfer genetic information from snail to snail, making one have memories that it actually hadn't experienced. This transplantation of memories was done by messing with the RNA in their bodies.

Photograph Courtesy: Ian Dooley / Unsplash

Although it might sound terrifying to be subject field to this memory infiltration, it's really existence used for a good thing: the researchers believe that information technology could successfully aid people suffering from Alzheimer'south disease by alleviating their cognitive symptoms and helping them to keep their memories.

Drugs Are Petty Hitchhikers

If Nancy Reagan is to be believed, all yous need to practise is just say no to drugs. Seems uncomplicated, right? Well, it turns out that drugs might me more mobile than y'all would think.

Photo Courtesy: Atlas Green / Unsplash

Co-ordinate to one study, illegal substances and other illicit drugs can really hitchhike their way onto the hands and bodies of people who haven't had any direct contact with them at all. They ride along on bills, tables, and other surfaces and gear up upwards shop on your trunk. However, in such modest quantities, they tin can't do much.

Affliction Cures

The cold lives upwards to its name by being constitute everywhere. The viruses that cause it are institute everywhere, and for most of human history, colds were just a part of life. However, that may now be changing.

Photo Courtesy: CDC / Unsplash

Rhinovirus, one source of the mutual cold, may now be forced to meet its friction match due to a new discovery. Scientists accept found a chemical compound that targets virus proteins and stops them from being able to replicate in human cells, essentially stopping it in its tracks. The new finding could potentially atomic number 82 to other medical advancements as well.

Dinosaurs Were Tough Eggs to Crack

You probably know dinosaurs laid eggs, merely accept you lot ever wondered how they managed to keep them warm without squishing them? Tyrannosaurus Rex was non a dainty creature, so it's hard to imagine how they avoided turning their future young into scrambled eggs.

Photo Courtesy: Amy Baugess / Unsplash

In the instance of large dinosaurs, their eggs must have been impressively large, also. Yet, it wasn't the size or even toughness of dinosaur eggs that kept them condom, but how they were laid.. Large dinosaurs set their eggs upwardly in a circular ring around the nest to make sure that when they were keeping them warm, they weren't accidentally crushing them.

Invisible Polar Bears

Infrared cameras are designed to capture heat from objects to create an image of where something is. The hotter something is, the more than visible it becomes on the infrared imagery. You'd think that would mean that such cameras could detect whatsoever creature, simply the polar acquit tin exist nearly invisible on them.

Photo Courtesy: 358611 / Pixabay

It might be assumed that it's because they alive in cold climates, but this consequence actually happens because of the bears' ability to trap rut. Their fur and blab keep the heat in, meaning little to no heat escapes for the cameras to find.

Your Genes Don't Die When Y'all Do

Nosotros call back of death every bit being the end of the body. Everything shuts down, and that's it — game over. While that's largely true, it isn't completely, and the exceptions are fascinating.

Photo Courtesy: Fairfax Media / Getty Images

New findings suggest that a small number genes in the trunk stay turned on even after decease. The research could assistance medical professionals in keeping organs preserved afterward expiry and could also atomic number 82 to better ways to figure out the cause of death in murder victims.

The Length of the Galaxy

Traveling all the way across the Milky Way is clearly science fiction, but yous can be forgiven for hoping that some of our descendants might exist able to pull it off someday. Who doesn't want to imagine a whole galaxy waiting to exist explored?

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The thing is, no matter how big y'all think the milky way is, it's probably still bigger. Some recent estimates peg information technology at around 200,000 light-years in diameter. The speed of light is 299,792,458 miles per hour, so that's effectually 59,958,491,600,000 miles across. Imagine racking up that many miles on your car.

A Star Is Born

By some estimates, there are around ix,096 stars visible to the naked eye in the night sky and 250 billion in the Milky Way — give or have 150 billion. You likely know that stars are enormous balls of gas and plasma, but have you lot ever wondered where they came from?

Photo Courtesy: Nasa / Unsplash

Stars come up from nebulas, vast clouds of cold gas many light years in diameter. Over time, the gravity of these clouds causes them to assemble inward and class clumps. The clumps become denser and hotter over fourth dimension — so dense and hot that a nuclear reaction begins. At around 10 million degrees Celsius, the dodder becomes a new star.

Boiling and Freezing at the Same Fourth dimension

We normally think of freezing and boiling as mutually sectional states, and in most cases, they are. With sufficient heat and pressure level, thing turns to liquid or gas, while in the absence of those things, gases condense and liquids freeze. However, it'southward not always then unproblematic.

Photo Courtesy: Simon Matzinger / Unsplash

While we often think of substances every bit having set temperatures when they alter form, pressure changes that temperature. And if you can adjust the temperature and pressure to but the correct point, a process chosen the "triple signal" happens when all three states of affair exist within a substance at the aforementioned fourth dimension. It doesn't usually occur in nature, only information technology makes for a keen science experiment.

Stone Beats Scissors, Water Beats Laser

If you lookout movies similar Star Wars or even Austin Powers, you may recall that lasers are powerful, and to be fair, they certainly are. After all, we utilise them for everything from DVD players and surgery to burglarize sights and naval weapons platforms. Merely did you know they can exist trapped in water?

Photo Courtesy: NOAA / Unsplash

Under the right weather condition, a form of total internal reflection can happen where the photons of the light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation movement through the water but end upwards bouncing around inside it instead of standing to movement in a straight line. This ability to "bend" light is too backside the fiber optic cables we use for the internet.

The Existence of Black Holes

Ane of the biggest mysteries in astronomy is the existence of black holes. Formed past the collapse of stars, these super massive stellar objects pull in everything around them with their powerful gravity, fifty-fifty low-cal.

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While you'd be crushed to death by a black hole's gravity long before you reached its center, scientists don't know what would happen if you lot actually made it at that place. The gravity of black holes is so intense that it fundamentally alters space and time around it, making these stellar bodies some of the greatest mysteries in the universe.

Cats Always Land on Their Feet

For many people, cats are such an ordinary part of life that they don't warrant much thought. However, cats are physical and biological miracles in their ain fashion. While information technology's not truthful that a cat ever lands on its feet, it volition far more often than not, and the reason is surprising.

Photo Courtesy: Paul Hanaoka / Unsplash

In addition to muscular legs that blot stupor and an unusually flexible skeleton, cats can also correct themselves midair by arching their backs, and the higher upwards a cat is, the more fourth dimension they accept to correct themselves with this method. That said, don't test their abilities: cats tin can make mistakes, and overweight cats have extra difficulty righting themselves.

Your Deoxyribonucleic acid Can Reach Infinite

The homo genome has 23 chromosome pairs stored in the nucleus of each prison cell. While DNA naturally has a screw shape, it'due south further twisted by enzymes that make it able to fit into such tiny spaces.

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So how long would your DNA be if information technology wasn't coiled similar that? If you stretched out all the DNA in a unmarried cell and put the strands terminate to finish, they would come out to well-nigh ii meters in length. If you did that to all 37 trillion cells in your body, they would exist twice as long as the entire solar system.

The Sheer Amount of Atoms

Atoms are everything–literally. They make upwards every solid, liquid and gas as well as more than exotic states of thing similar plasma and form the basic building blocks of almost everything nosotros interact with in our daily lives

Photo Courtesy: Lucas Vasques / Unsplash

The typical human is equanimous of around around seven billion billion billion atoms, and no, that's non a typo. That'southward just how many atoms are in the human body. When looking at it on a universal scale, the number of atoms in the known universe is basically uncountable, and that's pretty wild.

You lot've Probably Walked Around the World

With the invention of computers and other conveniences that have gotten us off our feet, much of the Western world has adopted a more than sedentary lifestyle. However, assuming a person lives to the ripe old age of lxxx, they will on average have walked effectually 216 one thousand thousand steps over the course of their lifetime.

Photo Courtesy: The New York Public Library / Unsplash

In other words, they'll have walked 110,000 miles.That'due south about v times the distance around the Earth. If y'all're 40, that means you're halfway through your 3rd pass, and if y'all're 20, you lot're near a quarter of the fashion through your 2nd.

Helium Defies Gravity

Helium is commonly known as the gas that tin can make balloons stay afloat for an unabridged birthday party — and the i that makes your vocalization sound funny. Even so, it can be just as fun to play with in liquid form. (Although unless you're a scientist, you really shouldn't.)

Photo Courtesy: Adi Goldstein / Unsplash

In liquid course, if helium is brought to only below -452° Fahrenheit, it becomes a superfluid that defies expectations. Information technology tin climb up over the sides of the dish it's in and even resist motion when information technology's beingness spun in circles. That'due south considering it becomes a superfluid, a liquid that doesn't experience friction.

Blood Cells Move Fast

Your torso is full of blood — nearly five-6 quarts on average, to be exact. In a healthy person, the heart besides beats effectually lxx times a minute, pumping out almost 2.5 ounces of blood every single time it beats. It's always working to get blood circulating around the trunk.

Photo Courtesy: DE AGOSTINI Motion-picture show LIBRARY / Getty Images

Because of that, the eye pumps out well-nigh the entire body's shop of blood every single minute. A unmarried blood cell travels effectually the entire trunk in that time, and that'south a pretty impressive speed record for something then tiny.

Your Brain Never Stops Working For You

As you climb into bed each night, yous may feel like your body is shutting downwards. Our bodies go sluggish, and thoughts and concentration become more difficult to maintain. However, the brain doesn't quit working once the lights exit.

Photograph Courtesy: Hamza Bounaim / Unsplash

While scientists don't fully empathise how sleep works, they do know that the encephalon does a lot of heavy lifting during that time. Not only does the brain likely process and store information gained during the waking hours, but it too purges itself of toxins. Sleep — and the lack thereof — is even tied to whether or not people develop dementia and other retentivity problems subsequently in life.

Flamingos Aren't Really Pink

The beautiful pink feathers of the imperial flamingo are certainly something to curiosity at, but they're not born with that wonderful pink hue. In fact, their feathers are really more of a grey-white color when they beginning hatch.

Photo Courtesy: Yucel Moran / Unsplash

They terminate upwards pinkish in the wild because of what they consume. Their nutrition is rich in brine shrimp and bluish-green algae, both of which are rich in a substance called canthaxanthin. It's this chemical that gives flamingos' feathers their hue — and, incidentally, some sausages.


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